We love getting to meet readers in the DC area and in other locations when we travel, but we know that many of you are also interested in meeting up with each other. If you’d like to organize a local Slow Boring event, we would love to help you get the word out to fellow readers! Here’s how to do it (and be sure to read below for some event resources):
Check the events page to make sure there’s not already an upcoming Slow Boring event in your area.
Pick a location (see below for tips).
Use a tool like Eventbrite to create an event that people can register for. [Important: If you live in NYC, San Francisco, or DC, email us before you create an event! We’ll connect you with anyone else who reaches out.]
Let us know about your event! Email details and a link to register for your event to events@slowboring.com
We’ll share it with paid subscribers and add it to our Slow Boring events page.
Be sure to send a reminder (through Eventbrite, or whatever tool you use to create the event) a day or two before the event with any relevant information.
For the event, bring name tags and a marker. You can also make a sign to help people find you.
Let us know how it went! And reach out to events@slowboring.com if you have any questions. We aren’t able to provide logistical or monetary support, but we’re happy to answer questions.
Thanks to
and for their support putting this together. If you’d like additional advice on organizing an event, this post from Substack is an excellent resource.Things to consider
Picking a good location
We think doing something is almost always better than doing nothing — no location is going to satisfy everyone. But do spend a few minutes thinking about whether you’ve picked a place that will work for most people you expect to attend.
Your event should be in a public location. It doesn’t have to be a formal space that you’ve paid for or reserved — you can invite people to your favorite casual restaurant or bar or to meet up at a park or other public outdoor space if the weather is nice. Some libraries and other civic institutions have event space you can reserve, often for free.
Thank about how people will get there — is there parking nearby? If not, is the location accessible by public transit? Is it reasonably accessible to those with mobility issues? If food is available, does it accommodate common dietary preferences and restrictions?
Eventbrite is easy to use, but there are other tools available. We suggest reading through the post from Substack linked above.
You don’t have to do it all! If you need help gathering things like name tags or cleaning up afterward, ask people who’ve RSVPed to volunteer.
Getting the word out
We’ll add your event to our events page for paid subscribers, but you are also welcome to remind people in the daily comment threads. If you’re struggling to get RSVPs, reach out to events@slowboring.com and we can help.
Slow Boring does not exercise control over, or have responsibility for, the actions of any individuals at these gatherings. Slow Boring is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may be sustained by any participant or any property belonging to participants, attendees at any meetup, or of any business or venue where the meetup may be held.